Since the opening of the underground mine up to a depth of -42m in october 2022, the Slate Museum is open during the whole year. Visitors can discover it freely or during a guided tour.
The sold tickets, for autonom visits of the underground or for guided tours, are precisely counted. To celebrate the 10'000th visitor in the underground mine, the executive board of 'Musée de l'Ardoise asbl' has decided to offer a basket from 'Naturpark Öewersauer' with local products, valued at 100 euros.
The Slate Museum is proud to announce, that on Sunday the 27th of August on the 03.00 pm timeslot, the 10'000th visitor has entered the underground mine with its tickets. Marco Schank, president of 'Musée de l'Ardoise asbl', Agnes Hoogenhout, president of the 'Friends of Slate' and member of the executive board, and Alexia Cammaert, touristic agent at the Slate Museum, had the great honor to give the 10'000th-ticket-basket on 27th of August to Mrs Christine Diederich. Mrs Diederich, from Mersch, took part in a guided tour of the Slate Museum and its underground mine with the group 'Amis Porsche Luxembourg', of which she is a member.